Saturday, 8 February 2014

Paul Bettany as The Vision in Avengers : Age of Ultron

Actor Paul Bettany has been confirmed to cast as comic book superhero The Vision on the Disney-Marvel superhero sequel The Avengers : Age of Ultron, releasing May 1, 2015, but be warned – there are some spoilers ahead about several Marvel movies coming soon to a theater near you!

Bettany is already a veteran of the Marvel cinematic universe, having voiced Tony Stark’s helpful artificial intelligence system J.A.R.V.I.S. in the Iron Man franchise and the first Avengers movie. With Bettany also donning the guise of The Vision for the next film, it appears to confirm widespread speculation that The Avengers : Age of Ultron will alter the origins of the villainous Ultron (played in the film by James Spader) and The Vision, removing Henry Pym (who will be played by Michael Douglas in 2015’s Ant-Man movie) as Ultron’s creator and having the homicidal machine arise from Tony Stark’s technology instead.

In the original comics, Ultron turns against his creator (Pym) and humanity, and builds the android known as The Visiion to help destroy the Avengers. But The Vision rebels against Ultron and becomes a superhero, joining the Avengers and falling in love with Scarlett Witch (who will appear in a post-credits scene in this year’s Captain America : The Winter Soldier and then feature more prominently in The Avengers : Age of Ultron, portrayed by Elizabeth Olsen).

This cinematic incarnation will apparently be physically based on The Vision’s later pale-white appearance (per a later incarnation of the character), rather than the traditional orange-red skin tone version, according to the Daily Mail’s reports about the makeup being used on Bettany. Whether or not this choice of appearance will result in a personality likewise based on the all-white Vision – who lacked human emotion – remains to be seen.

Paul Bettany was rumored to be a top contender for The Joker role in director Christopher Nolan’s eagerly anticipated sequel to Batman Begins. That role of course went to Heath Ledger, who won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar (and just about every other award for supporting performances that year).

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