A new report from Schomes Know claims to know what’s on the docket for Phase Three, which begins after The Avengers 2. Rumors have included a sequel to Guardians of The Galaxy, a Black Widow solo movie, a Dr. Strange movie, Captain America 3, Thor 3 and Iron Man 4. So far, the only confirmed movie is Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man in 2015.
The report, a source named Victor Jones, notes the following, “I can confirm that as of the end of January, Marvel had no plans to make a Guardian 2. Marvel was planning on Guardians being a one and done. So unless they have done a compete 180 in the last couple weeks, I very much doubt there will be a Guardians 2… They only have so many films they can do each year and they don’t want them all to be trilogies to where they are just dealing with the same handful of characters for the next 5-10 years.”
So which movies are in Phase 3, according to the report?
“ The movies that will be part of Phase III for absolutecertain are : Ant-Man, Captain America 3, Thor 3, The Avengers 3 and Dr. Strange.”
The source notes that Marvel Studios President of Production, Kevin Feige “has pretty much confirmed Dr. Strange for some time now. They really wanted it to be a part ofPhase 2 at one point, but like Ant-Man that just didn’t happen. That’s probably the one that Feige is personally rooting for the most and as a result it is the solo film that is the highest priority other than the sequels.”
Finally, the report turned to some lesser-known characters in the Marvel Universe. “There has been talk about Black Panther and lots of talk about The Inhumans, they’re in the pipeline but are pretty much in the same boat that Dr. Strange and Ant-Man were in two years ago, where they want them to happen, and they will most likely both happen, but it’s just a question of how soon. However, those five films (Ant-Man, Cap 3, Thor 3, Dr Strange & Avengers 3) are sure things and I can guarantee you they will all be announced at Comic Con if not sooner.”
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